
The Management Information Systems program offers three courses in Information Technology for Development at the undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. levels in which students learn to work with small businesses and implement technology and training interventions. There is the Electronic Commerce in which students learn to develop business plans for their technology companies.

There have been the following Ph.D. Dissertations in which students have assessed the outcomes of IT adoption in small businesses and healthcare workers: Jie Xiong (2012- Ph.D. UNO, IS&T), Travis Good (2007-2011 Ph.D. UNO, IS&T), Cherie Noteboom (2005-2010 Ph.D. UNO, IS&T), Mehruz Kamal (2006-2009 Ph.D. UNO, IS&T).

The Information Technology for Development course sylabus are as follows:

The following image explains the IT for Development Program -